University network for teaching, research, development and innovation in assistive technology

Through a research project, coordinated by the PPGCIMES’ professor Dionne Cavalcante, it is sought to build an integration and cooperation network that aims to the progress of the researches in the area of Assistive Technology (AT) in the country and the promotion of Graduation programs in this area. The project is formed by research lines and interdisciplinary professionals of different institutions and knowledge fields that correlate between them with the objective of advancing in the research and innovation on AT in Brazil. TA involves many areas of application and knowledge, which requires qualified professionals in both technical areas, to develop solutions, and other fields, such as health and education, that directly deal with people that need these aids. The challenges of the AT area are in the seek for solutions, studies and actions that envisage the promotion of functionality of people with disabilities, which is related to activity and participation. The objectives must pursue the autonomy, independence, quality of life and social inclusion of these people.



Members and collaborators of the Program are part of the research project “Young People and Mediatic Consumption in Times of Convergence”, funded by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), via the National Academic Cooperation Program (PROCAD), Call n. 071/2013. The project is developed by three higher education institutions, the Proponent one being the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFPA); the 1st Associate, the Federal University of Pará; and the 2nd Associate, the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). The objective is to know and compare the realities of Brazilian regions in what concerns the uses that young people make of mediatic resources, such as television, radio, cellphone, internet, among others.